Part 1. Install your CA certificate
First, download your certificate file (typically .crt format) on Ohmni. You can do this via the Chrome browser. The Chrome browser can be accessed by clicking the gear icon on Ohmni's home screen and then the browser tab in the Ohmni settings menu.
Step 1. Go to the Android WiFi settings on Ohmni. Click the three dots in the top right and choose Advanced:
Step 2. Click on Install certificates:
Step 3. Choose UP-CHT01 to browse Ohmni's filesystem.
Step 4. Browse to your file. In my case, the file was in Download.
Step 5. Once you have found the certificate file, click on it.
Step 6. Give the certificate some name, and under Credential use select Wi-Fi. Then click OK.
Step 7. You will get a pop up as follows. Click OK.
Step 8. Choose PIN:
Step 9. Enter in a PIN. Be sure to remember it. Then confirm it:
Step 10. Click DONE:
Step 11. You will be back to this screen and will see a small popup at the bottom confirming that the certificate was installed.
Part 2: Set up the WiFi access point information
Step 1. Go back to the Android WiFi settings page, then scroll to the bottom and click Add network.
Note: Even if the SSID is already displayed, scroll to the bottom and click Add network in order to specify EAP authentication methods.
Step 2. Fill in the SSID name. Choose 802.1x EAP.
Under EAP Method, select the EAP method specified by your network administrator.
Under CA certificate find the name of the certificate you installed, and specify it in the field.
Note: For EAP-PEAP methods, specify the Phase 2 authentication method communicated by your network administrator.
Note: For EAP-TLS methods, you may need to specify a device "Identity" and user certificate to the format required by your network administrator.
Step 3. Fill in the rest of the information, then click SAVE. Ohmni will either automatically connect or if needed you can click on the entry in the list and choose Connect to network.
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