Setting Your Profile Picture
Ohmni’s profile system allows you to set an image of yourself for multiple uses. First, it will serve as a profile picture for your Ohmni profile. This will also serve as the default image if you would prefer to use a robot without keeping your camera on.
In order to set your personal display image, please follow these steps:
- Once you have set up your profile, click the icon at the corner of the screen. Initially this image will be the first letter of your first name.
Clicking that link will take you to this window:
- Click the “Update Profile Photo” button. This will open your computer’s personal file manager and allow you to select whichever photo you would like. Once selected it will appear where there was previously a letter, as you can see here:
Once you have selected your preferred photo, it will immediately be displayed in the circle that previously displayed your first initial. Displayed here:
This image will serve as both your profile picture and the default image should you wish to turn off your camera during a call.
Turning Your Camera Off and Using the Display Image
This feature applies for any user that has logged into their Ohmni Account and initiates a call. If sharing access to a third-party user with a Share Link, they will not be able to access the profile picture unless logged-in.
When your camera is on, the display on your end will show this image:
When clicked, this icon will turn off your camera and show your chosen image. You will know when your camera is off when your screen displays this image:
The robot will only project your display picture upon a black background, as seen here:
If you are having issues setting your Personal Display Picture, please contact our customer support team at
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